Portada » Agenda » Medio Ambiente » IV International Congress on Risk, «risks and education».

IV International Congress on Risk, «risks and education».

IV International Congress on Risk, «risks and education».

23, 24, 25 and 26 of May of 2017. University of Coimbra, Portugal.

The main objective of this Congress aims to help promoting “Education for Risk” in order to prevent the consequences and minimize the damage caused by its manifestations.

In fact, education is one of the most important and powerful tools in the construction of new concepts, in changing habits and in the promotion of intergenerational dialogue, as such, it plays a fundamental and structural role in the implementation of mechanisms that lead to better prepared citizens and more resilient societies, contributing to the growing awareness of risk and danger perception. The promotion of a safety culture represents a cross-cutting challenge to society, by involving not only the educational and scientific communities, but also the agents and institutions of civil protection and emergency, and in particular all citizens, in their individual and/or collective actions.

Information: http://www.uc.pt/fluc/nicif/riscos/Congresso/IVCIR_ENG

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